Monday, August 2, 2010

There Is No Time To Time Travel

Time Travel:

When I was 8 or 9 I was given a mock up of the cabin of the spaceship from a TV show I watched. My favorite part of its dashboard was the Time Travel lever. It set the year you wanted to travel to. Nothing was more exciting then to daydream about then the future. What type of space travel and TV and cars would there be in the future? What sites would we see in the far future?

One day I came home and my spaceship was goneL It was so big it had been set up in the family room and my mother had gotten rid of it. Like she would my pet dog and pet turtle, with no warning and a story that even an 8 year old found lacking.

It was Einstein, who’s general theory of relativity showed Time Travel into the past was not possible in this Universe. Some years ago Hawking calculated that quantum mechanics made Time Travel into the past theoretically possible but with only a 10^-30 chance did you would not get crushed in the quantum wormhole. This year he changed his mind and come out for Time Travel into the past being theoretically impossible on the quantum level. And if there are some of you out there that would only believe a woman on this, see L. Randall’s book ‘Warped Passages: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions.’

As seen on TV or in the movies, travel into the past can change the present (i.e., Star Trek, Back to the Future, Star Gate SG-1, Eureka, Quantum Leap, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Distant Thunder, Terminator).

Many Time Travel pundits have pointed out that paradoxes involved in changing the past. There is the “If you kill your grandfather before a parent of yours was conceived, how could you be born? Or the “If in 2063 you travel back to Dallas on 11/22/1963 and kill Lee Harvey Oswald before he shots JFK, how will you know in 2063 that you need to go back into the past to prevent JFKs assignation? There is the more subtle “when I have changed the past and return to the present how am I reintegrated with my new self?

If you want to travel in time but stay in the same terrestrial location you have a problem. We all know that Earth is spinning on its axis at 1000 mph and the Earth is orbiting the Sun and 84,000 mph. But did you know that the Sun is orbiting the center of the Milky Way galaxies at speed of 530,000 mph? An to top it off the Milky Way Galaxy is moving 960,000 mph relative to the Big Bang microwave background. So if you only wanted to travel an hour in time from your basement, you basement, relative to the local Universe will have moved over a million miles!

And finally the biggest and insurmountable problem is that the past no longer exist, and the future is yet to exist. There is nowhere in time to travel to!

So don’t try to travel into the past to save JFK or keep a lost love from marrying someone else, as travel into the past is impossibleL

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